Madonna’s ‘Like A Prayer’ turns 25 today; Singer celebrates by flashing armpit hair, Boston celebrates with Videodrome

As we noted back in December, 2014 is a great year for records celebrating their 25th anniversary, and a big one arrives today in the form of Madonna’s Like A Prayer. The album sold more than 15 million copies worldwide and, in addition to the title track, spawned iconic singles “Express Yourself” and “Cherish.”

So how does the 55-year-old singer celebrate the special day? By flashing some sweet armpit hair on Instagram.

Nice. That’s a good look.

But more importantly — how is Boston celebrating Like A Prayer’s 25th anniversary? With a Videodrome Discotheque dance party at Oberon in Harvard Square. Here are the details you need to know: expect pretty much all Material Girl at this swank bash.

There’s even a custom Madonna cocktail menu to get you into the groove…

Madonna drink menu

See you on the dance floor.

Madonna Flyer