Vanyaland Premiere: Await Rescue warm up for the Rumble with ‘Forms of Flight’

There’s nothing quite like a one-two Rumble punch. After learning last night who they’ll be up against in the 2014 Rock And Roll Rumble next month, Boston rock dudes Await Rescue fired the first shot against their competition this morning with new single “Forms Of Flight.”

It’s the band’s first piece of new music since last spring’s Everyone You Know LP.

True to their own form, “Forms Of Flight” is a no-frills riff parade that harkens back to a more straight-forward, bullshit-free period of rock and roll. Await Rescue will unveil this one and more on Night 6 of the Rumble’s preliminary round, going up against Harris Hawk, The Color And Sound, and Yelabird on Saturday, April 12.

Check out the new single, available for free download, below…

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