Vanyaland Premiere: Grooving to the Walkman in When Particles Collide’s ‘Constant Disaster’

Featured photo by Covington Portraits

Sometimes all you want to do is sit the fuck down and listen to some rock and roll on your old Walkman. Maine’s When Particles Collide know this sensation all too well, and in new video for “Constant Disaster,” premiered today on Vanyaland, the rock duo enlisted a few friends to saddle up next to an innocent table, pop the track’s cassingle into their portable player, and let the music consume all emotion and feeling.

It’s a nice intro to what we here in Boston can expect from the guitar/drums/vocals duo of Sasha Alcott and Chris Viner, who will be repping the northern part of New England when they take part in the 35th Rock N’ Roll Rumble at T.T. The Bear’s Place next month.

They get their own warm-up at the Cambridge rock club tomorrow night, when they play T.T.’s with We Avalanche, Forget, Forget, and As The Sparrow, before heading out on a March tour that extends as far west as Kentucky.

Check out the video above, dates below, and snag the single via the When Particles Collide Bandcamp. It’s the first offering from June’s Photoelectric record.

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