Making Tracks: Fire up the new Mellow Bravo rocker ‘Don’t You Get Lonely,’ and never look back

Mellow Bravo want you to get in the van. They won’t tell you where they’re going, and they won’t tell you where they’ve been. But they have a full tank of rock and roll and enough riffage to keep rolling until you all hit water.

After hooking up with Converse a few weeks ago for the Rubber Tracks recording series at Q Division, Boston’s hard rock troops today unveiled a new track, “Don’t You Get Lonely.” It’s got a bit of Sabbath… a bit of last night’s booze… a bit of your deep down desire to get up and get the fuck out of here.

Go west, young one. Don’t look back, and don’t you get lonely.

Download the track via Bandcamp below, and catch the Bravos at the Middle East in Cambridge on March 28 for the Small Stone Recordings showcase with Gozu, Roadsaw, and a fuck ton of others.

But before that rolls around, the band is headlining a bittersweet farewell show for their guitarist, Jeff Fultz, this Saturday at T.T. The Bear’s Place. It’s a matinee show with Bravo, Hey Zeus, Cocked N Loaded, White Dynomite, and Slim Lizzy. And it’s called RESPECT. Flyer below.

Bring gas money.

Mellow Bravo Art


small stone flyerss