For Immediate Release: VanyaRadio, Boston’s New Alternative, launches February 14


A week from today, Vanyaland gets turned up. Join us on Valentine’s Day 2014 as we launch VanyaRadio, a new alternative that’s made in Boston — to be heard around the world.

VanyaRadio will be available to stream in the highest quality via through our custom built radio player. We’ve also teamed up with TuneIn, allowing you to listen to VanyaRadio everywhere you go — your car, smartphone, tablet and other connected devices.

Anchoring our 24/7 live streaming radio station is This Is 617, a thrice daily local show highlighting the best in Boston rock and pop and hosted by Vanyaland co-founder Michael Marotta. He’s bringing his old Boston, ahem, accent to this new era of digital radio, with all the effin’ exes he’s got in those musical closets.

“It’s been nearly a year since I’ve been behind the mic, and I can’t wait to get back at it,” Marotta says. “We’ll be making up for the lost time in a big way — three hours of Boston music, five days a week, 100 percent awesome.”

Over the coming weeks, VanyaRadio will also be launching new shows for Boston from some of the biggest radio personalities in their respective genres. At 8 p.m. Monday through Friday, we’ll be turning it up a notch and giving you the very best music from around the world, set at a faster pace. It’s music to do your hair to before you go out — or a way to bring the vibes of nightlife to your own personal space.

Keep it locked for the best in new sounds from across the globe; VanyaRadio is your compass for new music and the best of what made you into the person you are today.


Vanyaland is an interactive source for music news, live shows, new releases, downloads, live streams, and nightlife around Boston and beyond, focusing on the bands raised in our city but also welcoming to the touring acts that pass through it daily. It’s a destination to learn about the musical pulse of Boston, from venues to record stores to other entities that make our city the best in the world.


The full schedule and details about VanyaRadio will be published on

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