After a decade online, the Middle East in Cambridge gives an overhaul to its homepage

Snow days are perfect for catching up on random projects around the house, or getting around to chores usually ignored during the work week. For the Middle East’s restaurants and rock clubs, that means unveiling a dramatic facelift to their website that’s had the same overall look for about a decade.

The Cambridge facility quietly unveiled a new-look today via soft launch, populating its listings and calendar with enhanced ticket information, greater social media integration, and a stronger, more visual focus on the food served at its dining areas, which include nightclub and restaurant space ZuZu.

“The old website has been the model for over ten years, designed and developed by our friend Nick Hubben, of Certainly, Sir, the Ivory Coast,” says Middle East general manager Clay Fernald. “He still does amazing work. We love him, we just needed an update!”

Cambridge developer Garabed Setrakian of Setravision wrote the code for the new site, with art direction from Fernald. Check out some stills below; the venue is asking that feedback be directed to
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