Brighton Music Hall in Allston gets its own parking — the CVS lot across the street

Allston is a great place to catch live music — unless you just happen to not live in Allston and drive to shows. One of the toughest places in the neighborhood to park, the corner of Harvard and Brighton avenues, also just so happens to feature one of its best live music venues, Brighton Music Hall.

Now, music fans catching shows at Brighton Music Hall can skip the overcrowded municipal lot behind Blanchard’s and park right across the street from the venue, at the CVS parking lot. That area is usually heavily guarded by tow trucks, but a deal has been struck to allow BMH show-goers the ability to park on the recently renovated strip mall lot for $15.

The 13 designated spaces will be sold online through Ticketmaster, so purchasing the spots will be tied to the venue, preventing folks from buying the spaces and then heading off to places other than BMH, like nearby Tavern On The Square or O’Brien’s Pub a few blocks down Harvard Avenue. Stay tuned for more details.

Upcoming shows at BMH include Elizabeth & the Catapult tonight, Damien Jurado tomorrow, and Hard Working Americans on Friday. Check their listings for the full schedule.