Surf’s Up: Listen to the TeleVibes noisy new racket and feel ‘Washed Up’ (in a good way)

You’ll have to forgive us if we seem to have summer on our minds; there’s something about this Polar Vortex II that’s not sitting well with us. We know it’s January, we know it’s Boston, we know the cold is part of our miserable, sheltered lives. To help get us through this difficult stretch, we’re gravitating toward all the warm ‘Vibes we can find.

And the noisy surf-rock tones of the TeleVibes is keeping us toasty on the inside. Like a feverish mix of the Pixies and Doomstar!, the TeleVibes new single “Washed Up” is a guitar-rock kamikaze that borrows equally from ’60s pop and modern-day psych, wrapped up nicely in a three-minute wallop.

It’s the first taste off the Boston band’s cassette of the same name, released tomorrow night at the Middle East in Cambridge on a bill co-presented by Vanyaland and Illegally Blind. Joining the ‘Vibes are Atlantic Thrills, Vundabar, and the Guru.

TeleVibes’ Washed Up EP also marks the debut cassette release from Hadden Stemp’s new label, 456 Records, an “in the family” offshoot of our own in-house label, Vanya Records. The New Highway Hymnal frontman/guitarist promises to create a platform for underground psych bands from Massachusetts and beyond, and we’re excited to see what else is in store for 2014.

TeleVibes Tape

TeleVibes Flyer