Hey Soul Students: Act now and you can earn up to $600 covering Train songs at a local college

There was a meme going around social media recently that said musicians were defined as “Someone who puts $5,000 worth of gear into a $500 car to drive 100 miles to a $50 gig.” Well, as most music veterans realize along the way, the real payday comes in cover sets.

So we shouldn’t be too surprised by this week-old Craig’s List post, which is offering $400 to $600 compensation for playing the time-honored hits of pop-rock scurge Train for an upcoming event at Northeastern University.

It’s a one-off gig, so if you can stomach the San Francisco “adult alternative” band’s music for a few gut-wrenching practices and one blowout tribute set at what promises to be the wildest alumni and faculty party of 2k14, it might make a nice way to earn some coin.

Here’s the ad in full, unedited:

I am looking to hire a 3-5 peice light rock coverband that can play a variety of coversongs by the band, Train, along with simular style hits from other bands mixed in. This will be background music for a 3 hour cocktail/networking party.

The event goes from 5pm-8pm on Thursday, February 6, 2014 and is taking place at Northeastern University in Boston. The audience is university faculty, staff, and alumni.

Please send me links to samples and price for the 3 hour event. Also include list of Train songs that you would be able to cover in your set.

Thank you!


The real Train is performing May 1 at the school’s Matthews Arena with Kieth Lockhart and the Boston Pops. We are unsure if the two events are related — Northeastern must just really love Train these days.

And how could you not?