Year in ReView: Daniel Brockman’s top 13 songs of 2013, from One Direction to In Solitude

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1. “Death Knows Where,” In Solitude (from Sister)

In my fantasy realm, the entire world would bow down to the dark majesty of this Scandinavian crew, whose gloriously demented odes to the power of Satan are as godhead-genius as anything made with instruments of the past few decades. Alas, Hornper and Co. are destined to crawl the planet being told that they are, at best, doing a third-rate King Diamond act. Heresy! Philistines! Fie! Etc.! Sister is their crowning work of evil, to date, and as the whole world seems to bow down to the One With The Head Of The Goat, the only sensible and logical action as a rock n’ roll fan is to pledge eternal allegiance to the dark lord via servitude to In Solitude; with this blurb, I do promise fealty to them and their works.

DB In Solitude

Top 13 of 2013 from danielbrockman on 8tracks Radio.

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