Sign Your Life: Morrissey to appear at a NYC Barnes & Noble on December 12

UPDATE 12.08.13 4:48pm EST: The Queue Is Dead — No Morrissey signing, after all. LOL.

If we thought Black Friday sales caused mass hysteria among shoppers, just wait until next week, when Morrissey is scheduled to appear at a New York Barnes & Noble to sign his new Autobiography.

Whoa. It’s Moz Thursday!

The singer — and now best-selling author — will appear Thursday, December 12 from 7 to 9pm at the Barnes & Noble in Union Square, located at 33 East 17th St. The retailer warns us that there will be no live performance, or even a reading, but Mozzer will sign copies for those who buy the book on premises. “Your receipt for book = ticket!”

This is going to be a massive shitshow.

The news was announced via twitter this afternoon.

Autobiography was released in hardback this week in North America, after selling very well in the UK since October. Here’s what the US hardcover edition looks like:
