Twerk Like An Egyptian? General Abdel Fatta el-Sisi defeats Miley Cyrus in Time’s ‘Person Of The Year’ online poll

Time Magazine’s ‘Person Of The Year’ online poll wrapped up late last night, and it looks like Egyptian general Abdel Fatta el-Sisi has taken home top honors, besting
Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and our homegirl Miley Cyrus.

Queen C has been leading for most of the poll’s duration, until a late surge this week by Sisi.

Oddly, voting has now shifted to a head-to-head battle, with Cyrus taking on Jimmy Fallon and Sisi battling Erdoğan. The “combined winners” will be announced tomorrow.

And this bears repeating — this is just an online readers poll, for shits and giggles, and the actual Time ‘Person Of The Year’ is determined by the publication’s editors.

The winner is announced December 11. President Barack Obama won last year.

Miley Egypt Poll