M.I.A. is going back to the Super Bowl, despite the NFL’s $1.5 million lawsuit

If there is anything the NFL specializes in — especially midway through this scandalous season — it’s a blatant disregard for authority. So it should come as no surprise that not even a $1.5 million lawsuit against M.I.A. will keep the musician away from the Super Bowl.

Tracked down by TMZ this week, Mathangi “Maya” Arulpragasam told reporters that she’s going to Super Bowl XVLIII in New Jersey this February — to “support” halftime show performer Bruno Mars.

We’re pretty sure she doesn’t mean, like… on stage.

The NFL is still all worked up over M.I.A.’s middle finger during Super Bowl XLVI’s Halftime Show featuring Madonna. That was way back in February 2012, but the league has since sued M.I.A. for $1.5 million in restitution and demanded a public apology.

M.I.A. brushed off the suit as a “massive display of corporation dick-shaking.”

Check out the TMZ video below. She mumbles something at the end, which we’re sure is very important, but we can’t make it out.