Watch Eddie Vedder take a nasty spill on stage during Pearl Jam’s show in Philadelphia

Awww, Ed! You gotta be careful up there, buddy. We’re not exactly sure how Eddie Vedder can make a career out of climbing high atop stages for more than 20 years, but still be able to lose his balance on some short-ass stage monitors. But that’s exactly what happened at the end of Pearl Jam’s set the other night in Philadelphia, when Vedder ate shit in front of thousands.

Don’t worry, though — he’s still alive.

Word is he was waving to a little kid in the crowd who was holding up a sign saying it was his first concert. We’re glad Vedder’s alright, and that the band was able to finish off “Yellow Ledbetter.” It all goes wrong around the 3:55 mark, when Vedder stumbles harder than the Flyers.

Of course, this was only a few days after he Tarzan’d a hanging stage light in Brooklyn without incident, flying over the Barclays Center crowd like the majestic king of rock he is.

But in Philly, anything goes, and sure footing is never guaranteed.

Meanwhile, Pearl Jam’s tenth and latest record Lightning Bolt has hit Number 1 on the Billboard charts, selling more than 165,000 copies in its first week. Internationally, it became the #1 album on iTunes in 56 countries.

They still got it.

Here’s Vedder in simpler — and steadier — times, in Brooklyn. Photo by Hilary Hughes.

Eddie Vedder Brooklyn Photo by Hilary Hughes