Read producer Steve Albini’s incredible four-page letter to Nirvana

Producer and musician Steve Albini is a pretty incredible dude. A few hours ago, this four-page letter to Nirvana surfaced on imgur, and there’s no many notable bullet points — suggesting Pachyderm Studio in Cannon Falls, Minnesota; the “producer as plumber” mentality — that it’d be impossible to do it justice without just copy/pasting the entire thing. Albini went on to produce In Utero, and with that record just celebrating its 20th anniversary, well, this is all sorts of timely.

(Note: we’re sure this has made the rounds before, but it’s well worth another look. It’s that fascinating.)

UPDATE September 26, 12:20 AM EST: Looks like this letter is included in the In Utero 20th anniversary super deluxe edition.

Print it out, take it to the bathroom, and dig in to brilliance.

A closer look…

Albini 1

Albini 2

Albini 3

Albini 4