Watch ‘Baselines,’ the Atlanta Braves-themed parody video of ‘Blurred Lines’

It’s after Labor Day, so in some states it’s illegal to still listen to Robin Thicke’s “Blurred Lines.” However in Georgia they’re grooving to a slightly different beat, as Atlanta comedian Aaron Chewing and rapper Jonny Quest have created an Braves-themed parody to celebrate their team’s National League East championship. And they got former All-Star catcher Javy Lopez to make a cameo!

Of course, they’ll actually need “Get Lucky” to get past the Los Angeles Dodgers or St. Louis Cardinals in the playoffs.

But I have to admit, this is pretty cool, especially the takedown of the other NL East teams (sorry, Nationals) and the line about closer Craig Kimbrel having the “fastest pitch in this place.”

That’s A+ work right there. It’s a shame Bobby Cox retired, the possibilities there would have been endless.

“We got the Uptons / We got the Johnsons / We’re pretty awesome…”

But who knew Freddie Freeman was such a hugger?