Anti-twerk: Watch the Replacements play ‘Left Of The Dial’ last night at Riot Fest in Toronto

Canada wins. once again. While most of America was watching Miley’s twerk terror and Katy Perry provide maybe the best bit of boxing-ring lip-synching since Dolph Lungren played Ivan Drago in Rocky IV, oh the Replacements played their first show in 22 years. #NBD.

The 23-song set came last night during Toronto’s Riot Fest, and Slicing Up Eyeballs has a pretty great recap of the reunion, as well as other songs, commentary, and photos. We will note that this version of the ‘Mats features Boston’s Dave Minehan, of the Neighborhoods, on guitar; Minehan toured with a solo Paul Westerberg in the ’90s, so the connection runs deep.

So far, there are only two more chances to catch the Replacements live on stage, both at the remaining Riot Fests: September 15 in Chicago and September 21 in Denver. But as long as there isn’t at least one Minnesota homecoming show from the college rock legends, we’ll doubt this is all the Replacements we’ll get in the near future.

Check out the full set list, with the sheet grabbed by Boston’s own Brad Searles of the always on-point Bradley’s Almanac. Check his site out for ‘Mats updates as well.

Mats set list