Was Frank Turner mocking the handicapped when he entered Reading’s main stage in a wheelchair?

The NME says he was merely re-enacting Kurt Cobain’s “iconic” entrance from when Nirvana played the Reading & Leeds Festival back in 1992, and astute fans suggest the stunt simply reflects his recent back woes, but Frank Turner might have ruffled some feathers this evening when he appeared on-stage sitting in a wheelchair.

The folk-punk singer/songwriter wasn’t hobbled for long, and quickly sprang up to launch into his set, which started with “If I Ever Stray.”

Derek Bremner of the NME caught this photo:


Despite the NME’s claim that Turner was innocently raising a glass to Nirvana — we told you earlier in the week about this Nirvana fever going around — some people aren’t feeling it.

Others, however, have chimed in to note that Turner has been suffering from severe back issues, citing this recent post about his spinal epidural. Seems legit.

But reaction from his Friday night display was swift and fierce…

The “back issue” defenders were also out in full force. We’re sure Turner will clear this up shortly.