Check out the new Big Dick video for ‘Witchcraft,’ then download the song

Big Dick is everywhere all of a sudden. The Ottawa, Ontario duo have the same power-and-pummel bass/drum style as fellow Canadians Death From Above 1979 and Japandroids, but with possibly an even better moniker. We can only imagine what would happen if they played a show in Boston and ran into My Dick somewhere in a dark Allston alley. Someone’s getting jabbed.

Big Dick formed four years ago when Johnny O (Million Dollar Marxists, Uranium Comeback) and Dave Secretary (Van Johnson, Black Actors) decided to celebrate the best song title in the Nomeansno catalog with a ferocious brand of noisy post-punk. And now that Daniel Alfredsson has left the Senators, Ottawa needs Big Dick more than ever.

Their latest single, “Witchcraft,” off February’s self-titled record, is a crunchy post-stoner stomper and is available for free download via Bandcamp until Saturday night, at which point you’ll have to pay for Big Dick just like the rest of us. Get into it, and check out the video after the tour dates.

BIG DICK tour dates
August 17: ARBORETUM ARTS FESTIVAL – Ottawa, ON @ Art’s Court Waller Park w/ Holy Fuck
August 23: Toronto, ON @ Imperial Pub with The Ketamines & Tough Age
August 24: Hamilton, ON @ The Brain (free)
August 31: AWESOMEFEST 7 – San Diego, CA @ The Office with Low Culture
September 26: POP MONTREAL – Montreal, QC @ Quai Des Brumes with Holy Cobras, Pregnancy Scares.
November 3: FEST 12 – Gainesville, FL

And here’s that brand new “Witchcraft” music video, in case you like visuals with your Big Dick.

Big Dick artwork