It’s Monday, so here’s the new MGMT single, ‘Your Life Is A Lie’

Up until this point, the highlight of today has been learning that it’s National Oyster Day. But before you can post “Don’t Fear The Reaper” to your various social networks, here comes the new MGMT single, a herky-jerky heel-stomping guitar-pop ditty called “Your Life Is A Lie.” The track clocks in at just over two minutes, but it feels longer.

The music video was directed by Tom Kuntz, and features a series of scenes showing people acting kooky.

It all seems to make sense.

Though the band has been testing out the new material in live shows, we think this is the first official recorded cut off MGMT’s upcoming self-titled record, out September 17 via Columbia. It’ll be MGMT’s first LP since 2010’s Congratulations.

RELATED: New album artwork from MGMT emerges in GIF form, July 22, 2013
