Listen to ‘Miko,’ the punchy new single from The Chain Gang Of 1974

I got hooked on the Denver-born/Los Angeles-based Chain Gang of 1974 the moment I heard sprawling electronic rock dance jam “Undercover.” The track was also featured in FIFA Street 2012, bringing Kamtin Mohager’s moody modern rock to a global game-playing audience.

Mohager tweeted recently that we won’t get a new CG74 record until next year, but to hold us over we have the first bit of new music to follow up the 2011 record Wayward Fire.

It’s called “Miko,” it’s maybe a tad more experimental than Mohager’s previous work, and the chorus has a pretty cool Killing Joke thing going on. Check it out via the Chain Gang of 1974 Soundcloud below, and start the countdown to 2014.