We interrupt your tranquil spring Sunday afternoon around peaceful Boston to bring you a freshly mixed new track from our city’s underground black metal overlords NACHZEHRER. “Into Nothing,” just posted this morning, is the latest offering from the band’s upcoming full length, The Path of the Impure, out later this summer off Graveless Slumber Records, and the follow-up to 2011 EP Pestilence Hungers in the Shadows.
True to form, “Into Nothing” is another relentless torrent of filthy aggression from the Nachzerher camp, and vocalist Hräsvelg leads the shit-blitz with his signature growl. It’s a suffocating five-and-a-half-minute motherfuck that goes nicely with all the blaring sirens that have been filling the air lately.
Oddly enough, I first got into Nachzehrer last year, when Zack Wells submitted their track “Storm of Fuck” for the Boston Phoenix Born of Fire Vol. 2 compilation we released in conjunction with the alt-weekly’s second annual metal issue; in it, Janssen McCormick spotlighted the the band and their Allston collective, 212.
After you properly digest “Into Nothing,” check out the Born of Fire track, which should be finally out this spring on split 7-inch with Ipsissimus after being delayed several months. It’s embedded below, before some upcoming Nachzerher show flyers, including a gig June 2 at the Cambridge Elks with Cobalt and then Providence’s Something Bloody Metal Fest in July, with more illegible band logos then you’ll know what to do with.