Turn To The Left: Butcher Billy illustrates David Bowie in vital aspects of pop culture

We've long been fans of Brazilian digital artist Butcher Billy, the mastermind behind countless designs that re-imagine music icons as superheroes, combining one world of fantasy and intrigue with another. So when David Bowie died back in January, we had a feeling the pop culture fiend would pull off something remarkable.

We have not been disappointed.

Butcher Billy has unleashed a project called Daily Bowie, where he takes the Duke's unmistakable Aladdin Sane grin and splashes it across the front page of a comic book, one per day, saturated against a wealth of pop culture imagery. The looks range from Star Wars' Luke Skywalker and Joy Division's Unknown Pleasures to fashion icon Karl Lagerfeld and candy-crazed Willy Wonka. There's also a few superheroes in the 30-image collection as well, like Captain America, Michael Jackson, and, ahem, Robocop.

“Bowie has always had a huge impact on me,” Butcher Billy says. “His influence can be seen in tons of my art. In the wake of his death, I was surprised to learn how many people have been affected by his sound and vision, just as I have. This series is to celebrate his life and immense influence.”

Blast through the images below. Prints are available via curioos.com.

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