Vanyaland Premiere: Watch Aloud take center stage in their new music video

Credit: Michael Basu

Back in April, Aloud’s groovy music video for “It’s Got To Be Now” had a lot of things: cool art direction and illustration, record-playing homages to the beautiful ’70s, and fast-flying lyrics to which you could read along. One thing it didn’t have were the band members themselves, so the Boston rock and roll crew have amended that in a new video for “Back Here With Me Again.”

The track is the latest single from this past May’s It’s Got To Be Now LP.

In the new video, filmmakers Stephen LoVerme and Erin Genett aimed to capture Aloud doing what they do best, and that’s playing no-frills, bullshit-free rock and roll. The Middle East in Cambridge played friendly host, and to augment the live clippage, the band detailed all the prime moves needed for a cool video: drinking booze, sharing mics, sellin’ merch, and Boston music scene peeps. There are even some butts and a dramatic pause mid-song.

“What do all the best videos have in common?” Aloud asks us this morning. “An astonishing amount of tropes abound! No need to watch another music video again. We’ve collected all the classic rock cliches in one place complete with Wes Anderson style montage clips with captions.”

Let’s dig in…

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