Toronto Throwdown: Justin Bieber asks Mayor Rob Ford for crack in Canadian nightclub

All hell is breaking loose on this late-April night in Toronto, and for once we’re not talking about the Maple Leafs in the NHL playoffs. Toronto Star editor Michael Cooke has just fired the tweet heard ’round the world of twitter, reporting that a confrontation between beleaguered Mayor Rob Ford and Justin Bieber broke out at Muzik nightclub after the pop star asked for some crack.

And you thought the Raptors handing out Drake-themed lint rollers would be the craziest shit going down in the TO tonight. What in the name of Peter Ing is going on here?

Ford, of course, is back in the news after another video of him smoking crack surfaced today. Why he’s hanging out in the same club as Bieber just hours after this news broke is anyone’s guess, but we assume the simple answer to that question is “Rob Ford.”

Stay tuned…