Ooh, burn: Jimmy Kimmel reveals ‘twerking girl on fire’ video hoax

We currently live in a world divided. We hate our neighbors, revel in our differing opinions, and rarely see eye-to-eye with others on anything. But on Friday, September 6, 2013, society came together as one to celebrate mock a young girl who set accidentally herself on fire while trying to twerk.

We were unified.

We were one.

We all agreed on something.

But like most things that once brought us together, like Boba Fett or Santa Claus, it was eventually revealed to be one giant sack of bullshit.

Jimmy Kimmel blew the roof off of the “twerking girl on fire” video — approaching 10 million views on YouTube since Friday — by admitting his show was behind the hoax. The girl in the video is actually a stunt-woman. And stunt-twerker. They’re so hot right now. Business is good.

So yeah — well played, Kimmel. Well played.

It’s a pretty epic troll, and now we can only hope he’s also behind all this Syria nonsense, too.

We won’t, however, apologize for blaming Miley.

RELATED: Watch a girl set herself on fire while twerking, September 6, 2013